Qeshm − Diving in Iran

Qeshm, 14th-16th October 2010

The Diplomat Hotel (250,000 Rial, attached bath and breakfast) is the fanciest hotel I’ve had yet. A nice, soft bed, “a fucking big television” (with English language program and even BBC World News) and a nice view over town.


My original plan had been to come here after Kerman and then going on to Shiraz to spare myself 21 hour long bus rides. However the Dolphin Diving School was holding a course and was fully booked those dates and thus I had to change my plan.
Unfortunately for a week I couldn’t reach them again to confirm the new dates I was coming and to find them. So I asked at the hotel counter and they knew where they were, no problem.
As I found out later it was another base that only does beach dives in the morning meaning I couldn’t see the wrecks from the Holy Defence. 🙁

The two dives were OK despite the view being not really good at 7 meters:







Khalil, my buddy.

As you can see from Khalil’s name a part of the population along the coast is Arabic. And there are quite a few guests from the UAE and prices in some restaurants are quoted in Dirhams.

The first day here was almost unbearably hot and humid and for the first time I understood the need these people have for AC.
Fortunately on the second day it got better but the Iranians love it cold and if we ever have the ability to change the weather I believe there’ll be a constant 12°C in Iran.

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